Hi, my name is Afshin Shahrestani
I'm a Machine Learning Engineer.

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Hi, I'm Afshin. I'm a machine learning engineer! I'm finishing my masters degree in applied science at the Univeristy of British Columbia right now. My research has been focused on infrastructure management in transportation engineering using deep-learning models.

I finished my bachelor's degree in computer engineering at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. For the past 4 and half years, I have been learning about and working on deep learning models in various capacities. I worked as a machine learning engineer in a FinTech startup before starting my master degree. You can find the full information on my background, experience, and education in my website or resume and CV below!

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Master of Applied Science

University of British Columbia (UBC) GPA: 4.0 / 4.0 Sep 2022 - Sep 2024

Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) GPA: 3.58 / 4.0 Sep 2018 - Jan 2022


Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of British Columbia

Jan 2023 - Present

Served as a Teaching Assistant in different capacities for several courses, with responsibilities ranging from teaching lab sessions, in-class assistant, invigilation, exam and assignment grading, and holding problem-solving sessions for students, for classes with more than 100 students. Gained a satisfaction score of at least 90% for the classes

List of classes:

  • APSC 258 Applications of Engineering Design (5 classes over 2 years)
  • COSC 328 Introduction to Networks (3 classes over 2 years)
  • ENGR 418 Machine Learning (1 class in 1 year)

Graduate Research Assistant at the University of British Columbia, SALMALIS Lab

Sep 2022 - Present

Worked on Generative Networks (DCGAN, WGAN, Conditional GAN) to create artificial road image data, increasing crack classification accuracy by 15%.
Designed and worked on road infrastructure object detection and classification pipelines using images and 3D point clouds.

Machine Learning Engineer, Data Analyst at Aran Accelerator

Dec 2021 - May 2022

Researched & worked on price and trend prediction, and decision-making models on cryptocurrency data.
Developed Deep Reinforcement Learning agents and environments to automate the trading process, with online data processing and agents achieving up to 3000% profits even with low training samples using Transfer Learning
Performed various data extraction, information crawling & transformation tasks on data using techniques to generate valuable features from raw data.

Research Assistant at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, IP-PBX Lab

Dec 2020 - Feb 2022

Created Anomaly Detection and Forecasting systems for electrical power consumption using Deep Learning and Data Analysis, as software for the power utility company of Mashhad, with more than 92% accuracy in fraud detection and 94% accuracy in trend prediction for power consumption.
Published 2 peer-reviewed conference and journal papers.

Teaching Assistant at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Sep 2018 - May 2021

Teaching assistant for several courses, with responsibilities including teaching in class, assignment creation and grading, exam creation and grading, teaching labs, project defining and grading, and coding assistant.

List of classes:

  • Object-Oriented Designs of Systems (Master's class)
  • Object-Oriented Designs of Systems (Bachelor's class)
  • Languages and Machines Theory (5 Classes)
  • Data Structures
  • Design & Analysis of Software Systems (2 Classes)
  • Software Engineering Lab (2 Classes) Database (2 Classes)
  • Information Retrieval



Pavement Crack Image Generator

This project uses Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN), Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), WGAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN_GP), and Wasserstein Conditional GAN (cGAN) with Gradient (C_WGAN_GP) Penalty, to generate synthetic images of pavement cracks. These images can be used to augment existing datasets, improve the robustness of machine learning models, and facilitate research in pavement maintenance and repair.

Road Image Object Annotation and Detection

Deep Learning object detection models, including YOLOv5 and Faster R-CNN, were used to detect different objects, such as traffic signs, traffic roads, pavement lane marking, and pavement cracks, in road images. The images were gathered from Canadian roads and public datasets, and were annotated by us using CVAT to be compatible with YOLO and COCO formats.

Intelligent Trading Recommendation System

Developed several deep reinforcement learning agents and environments on cryptocurrency trading data based on custom reward functions, with long-term and short-term benefits prioritization, and multi-currency trading. Used Transfer Learning, and data preprocessing to trade currencies with similar patterns without extensive historical data.
The agents showed consistent profitability even in market volatility in various timeframes with 3000% cumulative profits in 2020-2022.

Power Consumption Trend Prediction & Fraud Detection

Used deep learning models, such as Autoencoders, RNNs, MLPs, and data analysis techniques, like missing value interpolation, clustering, decision trees, to develop Trend Prediction and Fraud Detection software and website. Preprocessing steps including data normalization, standard scaling, and outlier removal, are performed on the data. The trained deep learning models, data analysis techniques and preprocessing pipelines were incorporated into 2 software, sold to Mashhad Electrical Utility Company, with more than 92% accuracy in both tasks.


Online electricity theft detection framework for large-scale smart grid data

Soroush Omidvar Tehrani, Afshin Shahrestani, Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee

Published in Electric Power Systems Research", Volume 208, 2022, 107895, ISSN 0378-7796

Filter Based Time-Series Anomaly Detection in AMI using AI Approaches

A. Rahimi, A. Shahrestani, S. Ramezani, P. Zamani, S. O. Tehrani and M. H. Y. Moghaddam

Published in 2021 5th International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IoT), 2021, pp. 1-6


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